Why do we wait until we hit the brick wall before slamming
on the breaks??
Why do we refuse to see what’s right in front of our face??
Why do we complain about all these things that we HAVE to
do…when the reality is that we DON’T have to do them at all….WE CHOOSE TO.
Instead of….. ‘PRIORITISING we’re ‘PANICKING’….. Instead of SLOWING
DOWN we’re ‘SPEEDING UP’….but why??
I find it amazing that someone could be the CEO of a major
corporate company or find it easy to micro manage a successful empire but yet
can’t seem to run their own personal lives efficiently. Considering how
surprisingly similar the running of both of them actually are. On the chaotic
conveyor belt that we call life we’re just speeding by….but where exactly are
we rushing to…our graves?? Everyday matters every minute counts every second
that’s wasted you can never get back….so why are so many of us wishing our
lives away….Considering none of us actually knows what the future holds !!
All I know is that I have already wasted too much time stuck
in the past and the rest of the time trying to rush to the future….instead of
just being in the NOW, but there comes a point when you have to just STOP!! And realise that it’s time to come back to the
RESET- your mind…
What is it exactly that you want out of life? What makes you
happy? If you died tomorrow what would you want to be remembered for? RE-EVALUATE
why you are here. What is your purpose because I believe that we are all called
to do something and we do all have a destiny to fulfil?
Stop looking at the problem and seek the solution….just Looking
forward is damage control at its finest.
If you tried something and it went wrong then REFLECT on
what happened and decide what you will do differently next time. Confidence is
not being afraid to be wrong its knowing
that it’s just a detour on the way to being right. I’m not always confident in
what I am doing but I am more than confident that it will get done because I know
that when I set my mind ‘achievement’ is just a matter of time.
If all you can see is the problem you’re facing then you
should try changing your perspective…what you’re looking at a ground level never
looks the same from a bird’s eye view, literally. A Position of Power is always
from a higher place, look at the bigger picture. #HIGHER-LEVEL-LIVING
If you’ve been wounded, in the emotional tug of war
regardless of how severe the injury, know that it’s in your best interest to
RE-TREAT and REFUEL. Take time out and Re-asses strategically what steps to
take next, after all life is a game of strategy. The only difference between
those who do well and enjoy it and those who fail and hate it is their ability
to cope. Knowing what coping mechanisms
to use and when and having the ability to adapt to whatever situation you are
in and whatever opponent you are facing. For instance you wouldn’t wade in
blindly in to the middle of a war without first knowing what it is you’re fighting
for or making sure that you are more than equipped right? Knowledge is power, so
regardless of what ever problem you’re facing if you don’t have the knowledge
to use the right weapon for the right battle then you have already LOST.
Over the years’ experience has definitely taught me a lot things
one of which being, to ALWAYS sacrifice a battle to ultimately win what is MOST
important. Being ‘right’ in an argument is only ever really about ego and pride
because realistically I don’t need you to agree that I am right for me to still
be right (*smiles smugly). You see …The TRUTH it needs no proof either it is or
it isn’t asking India Arie lol. Therefore those who force an argument with me (and they
know who they are) in the hopes of validation of their opinion should know this…you
are only reaffirming your lack of conviction because Wisdom will tell you that
when you no longer need to ‘WIN’ an argument THAT is when you have ‘WON’ the
N.B. Let it be known that I am speaking theoretically here however
and in the wise words of mother Theresa:
‘I am not anti-war but I AM Pro Peace’. When I speak of wars and weapon’s
I am merely referring to the daily battles/emotional tribulations that we ALL face
and our choice of what action to take.
Don’t get me wrong I enjoy a good argument with the best of them
in fact it’s what I used to do best. For instance I liked to argue because I
liked the adrenalin rush and the build-up of anticipation of playing verbal
ping pong until the ball drops, and I also like to be enlightened when others
have views that differ from mine BUT more importantly than that in certain
situations I especially Love the making up at the end. So technically If it’s
possible I consider myself a Lover AND a
fighter as I never really cared whether or not I came out on top, as long as I
either got educated or I got ‘some’ lol….#Win Win
There is absolutely no point in trying to renovate your life
if it’s been built on weak foundations. Tear it all down and start again from
scratch. Strip away all the conditioned mentalities even those we’re not aware
we have and start to RE-ESTABLISH: boundaries of what you will accept out of
life and what you won’t. Remember that a
boundary is not the same as a brick wall it can be moved. It’s designed to form
a perimeter to safeguard you…keep those who are not ‘for you’ on the outside
(where they can do the least damage) and those that are loyal on the inside.
The boundaries should always be in place but be aware that who’s on which side
of them may well change. I can assure you first hand that when someone on the
inside is no longer ‘on-side’ they then become the greatest threat to you and
you should really pray for the power of discernment to know the difference
because as I said a lot of times you may fail to realise that someone who was
once an ally is now a potential hazard.
“Re-Shuffle the deck and take the jokers out of the pack….only to those
who you trust should you ever show your back.” (Nia-Jai 2012 ©)
So basically the moral of today’s blog, Choose your
battles…..the only time I will not back down or sit back is when it comes to
compromising my beliefs or values so trust me if it comes down to that then you better be prepared to war because even Sun Tzu aint
got nothing on me!!!
Till next week BlogHeads & Blogettes
“Enjoy what you already have Aspire for what you want to have and
forget about what you don’t have………………..LIVE,LOVE AND LAUGH and don’t put what
should come first last.”
(Nia-Jai © 2012)
#Always Love
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