Thursday, 1 November 2012


So you know those statuses that are always just a little bit ambiguous almost like they’re trying to say something without actually saying anything at all lol…..well how often do you read one and think “is that about me?” like there is some grand FB conspiracy going on and it’s obviously indirectly aimed at you???

This question sprang to mind when I was being interrogated the other day about one of my previous blogs (by he who shall remain nameless). I don’t particularly know what was worse the fact that said person,  without hesitation presumed it must have been about him or that this person felt he had any right to even comment or pass judgment about whatever I choose to write. I mean come on now my blogs are exactly that, they are MINE , a forum for me to express myself and my innermost feelings freely with no holds barred (and trust me people the more freedom I get the more juicy my blogs will get, so technically it’s in your interests too to emancipate me lol)

They’re not forced upon anyone to read who doesn’t want to read them, they’re just snapshots into whatever is on my mind during that week and more often than not I just begin typing hoping to make some kind of sense of my ‘dilemmas but in no way am I trying to offend anyone  . They are just words that flow straight from my heart to Microsoft word (often bypassing my brain to be fair) and If I’m lucky by the end of it I have some sort of clarity….

So please anyone who doesn’t want to hear what I have to say then just don’t read it….it’s not as if it’s compulsory and I will NOT  edit my feelings on account of yours. That would be the equivalent of someone asking me how my day was and someone else answering the question on my behalf. (How would you know what or how I’m feeling if you’re not me).

 And I know some of you may be thinking yeah but why do I choose to share this with the world? Why Blog about it?? The answer to that is Simple!!! In the hopes that either someone out there can give me some helpful advice or so that my own ‘love walk’ may be able to help others who find themselves in similar situations. Why do I ask so many questions???  Because I learnt along the way that there is no such thing as a dumb question.

 “The only pointless questions are the ones that are not asked….” (Nia-jai ©)

You see I personally used to have a problem with ‘asking’ for help until I was made aware the hard way, of where that gets you L . Now I seek answers and help from those who are wiser than I and I pass on that which I do know (which as it stands is not all that much) because:-

 ‘’if you know better you do better’’ or as my mum used to always say “To be forewarned is to be forearmed”

But what happens when theoretically you do know better but in reality you don’t do better? And what causes us to do this?  Is it some kind of #Self Destruct Gadget mode that is automatically triggered when the mind conceives something that it doesn’t want to believe?  Why do we rationalise irrational behaviour ONLY when it’s in our own favour?

Well Without further ado here it is…. this week is definitely looking a lot better than the last. After feeling like I had literally been punched in the stomach and thrown off a high storey building only to be found and be rendered emotionally floored, I finally managed to pick myself up and dust myself off. I knew it was time for me to come face to face with some very uncomfortable questions and like it or not for me to address them I would have to accept the ugly truth that sometimes people really aren’t who you think they are, regardless of how well you know or love them. 

So I dug a little deeper as I always do and I tried to look through the problem to find the hidden meaning because as we all know nothing is ever as it seems on the surface and as I have expressed before the most flawless of apples, can have the ugliest cores, But why is it that sometimes even when we can see the truth, the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth we still choose to ignore it. What makes us  turn a blind eye to it…??? And when does choosing to see the best in people hit the dangerous point where it crosses over into Martyr Ville/token Victim in the hood?

For so long I wanted to believe that someone I knew dearly would change their life around. That through all the mistakes they made at some point the penny would drop and they would see the hurt and pain they were inflicting on others around them and make a conscious decision to change it all. I chose to see them as they could be (the higher them) instead of how they were. However,  I slowly came to realise that actually while I was trying to be patient and love them back to wholeness, by not acknowledging or drawing appropriate lines in the sand I was actually allowing their behaviour to escalate and my attempts to pacify situations, (to take the so called high road) and prevent things from exploding was actually feeding their ‘bully boy mentality’.

My silence or refusal to engage in confrontation or address certain issues after lines were crossed was taken for weakness. It sent an indirect message to the person in question that their behaviour was a) acceptable b) justified and c) condonable. I know this was the case because it was reaffirmed for me when the sh!t hit the fan last week excuse my French. The truth really did come out as did the sentence “if what I really did was so wrong then why didn’t you do anything? It’s because you knew you were wrong”

WOW!!!!  when I say that sentence has been ringing in my head it definitely gave me something to think about. Why didn’t I take the appropriate action? Was I scared? Was I trying to protect my children? Or did a part of me believe that maybe I was to blame? Honestly it was probably a mixture of all of the above coupled with the old if a tree drops in a forest but there was no one there to hear it can you really say that it made a sound? Philosophy.  I guess I thought by not acknowledging it or speaking the words out loud then I could make myself believe it never really happened and maybe I could bury it so deep in my subconscious that even I would forget it happened.

Well not one to state the obvious but it didn’t work and nor will it EVER work. Anything suppressed just serves to gain a greater hold over you in the long run regardless of what  it is. Bringing TRUTH to any situation and shining a light even on your mistakes disempowers them and sets you free from their bondage.

“If you’re wrong say you’re wrong, admit it and move on because from dumb things you’ve done TRUST me you can’t run….” (Nia-Jai ©2008)

So yeah in this situation I hold my hands up to my part in what happened and I accept that when people USE and ABUSE you and cross lines with no remorse it is up to YOU to make the choice to stop them.  I should have recognised earlier when it was time to walk away, I should have realised YOU were never gonna change…and I should have headed the wise words of one of my idols:-

“Beware the false motives of others, Becareful of those who pretend to be lovers….Men who lack conscience will even LIE TO THEMSELVES to themselves!!!  (LAURYN HILL)


 PS To Whom It May Concern YES this BLOG is about you

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