Good Morning people its Wednesday it’s the Morning and guess
what My Blog is on time….you’re welcome lol, (those who know me can hi5 me when
you see me :) so what’s new with me? Well a lot really, within the last 7 days
of not speaking to you so much has happened but I will try my best to pick the most relevant
bit and summarise it in as few words as possible, i.e. leave out the waffle and
just give you the syrup aka the juicy bits.
Where to begin? Well we can start at the end and finish at
the beginning maybe? Seeing as that’s generally how my thought process works, I
know it’s backwards but that’s just me I’ve adjusted to it now so you might
want to tooJ. It was the (oh so
dreaded by many) Monday morning, I had dropped the children off at school with
five minutes to spare and was feeling super organised. All in all I was pumped
for the week ahead. Next to Sunday mornings and Friday evenings Monday is
surprisingly one of my favourite days of the week, everything was running
seemingly perfectly…..until……it came!! What
did? I hear you shriek. That moment that I was hoping would never come even
though I knew inevitably it would. True to form it arrived prematurely via sms don’t
you know!! And it read …. “Good morning I read your blog x” which I know what
you’re probably thinking, ordinarily that should read as a good message right??
And yes to most it would appear that way until you take the circumstances into
consideration. I.e. who the message was from (my Ex) and what the blog was that
he read (What the blog are you talking about?)
Yep that moment when your stomach drops and you close your
eyes hoping to unsee what you just saw, frantically pressing the backup button
on your galaxy Samsung S2 (which incidentally caused it to freeze for about the
next 5 secs but did NOT erase the messageL)*breathe* So anyway once acceptance
had kicked in and I had passed the denial phase I had no choice but to address
the message. I figured that knowledge is power so I sat there for the next ten
minutes #OnMySherlockHolmes trying to decipher what exactly my ex in question
was thinking. (Yes I am aware looking back now that in hindsight trying to
understand the workings of a man’s mind is never really wise is it? especially
when it happens to be MY ex who is directly my polar opposite) but none the
less I sat there thinking, did he like it? Did he hate it? Why did he only put 1kiss?
Do I have to start watching my back or
is he going to play the “silent assassin card” and smile in my face then when I
least expect it BLAAAAAM!!! He’ll find a way to take me out??? Hahaha Better yet
is he going to just out and out declare war and should I be applying to the
witness protection programme right about now !!!! As you can see sometimes I get
a little ahead of myself, (read too many comic books as a child) but trust me I
have learnt from past experience once you pierce a man’s pride or deflate his
puffed up ego on any level!! NEVER underestimate the lengths that he will go
to, to get his balls back lol. So then finally after much procrastination and
deliberation, came the stage of taking action, I hit the dial button and
decided that for want of not letting things get lost in translation and leaving
as little room as possible for miscommunication, speaking instead of texting
was my best bet. After all we know how certain people love to speak in subtext
now don’t we J anyway basically he answered the phone and as predicted the
anticipation of the situation was a lot worse than the actual outcome….There
were no fireworks, and no need for me to dust off P!nks “so what” anthem to
dance around the house to, as he took it quite well. He was actually surprisingly supportive of my
writing and the way I apparently make it “easy for the reader to relate” himself
included (his words not mine). I guess
this might be a good time for me to give him a shout out actually seeing as now
I know he’s probably reading this apprehensively, with his eyebrow raised and that
perplexed look on his face thinking, ‘what the heck has she come out with this
time??’ “don’t worry babes your secrets are safe with me and my fellow readers
ALL over the WORLD!!!!” Hahaha
(speaking of can I say
a big hello and thank you to all the new readers in Poland, China, and Ireland now, it’s very
encouraging for me to keep doing what I’m doing J and very humbling to know that
anyone actually cares to read what I write )
Alas back to the matter at hand I’m sure some of you guys can
understand fully how I felt in that moment. That moment when what’s happened in
your past comes to greet you in your future. I mean let’s be honest re-visits
of any kind are never really a good thing and they never leave a nice taste in
your mouth either and this was no different (ha-ha did you just imagine throwing
up in your mouth a little eeew) anyway, so I made a decision a week ago to get
a little more personal in my blogs. At the time I knew there would be a chance
that they might be met with a little resistance but it was a choice I made and for
once I was actually happy with, so far so good. But how many times have you
done something like that in the past and then regretted the somewhat impulsive
decision pretty much straight after you made it, or you make a decision based
on how you felt in that moment only to awake and think ‘what the *blank* have I
done???’ Um hmm like I always say with “instant gratification comes great
Life is pretty much a series of events that occur based on
the decisions WE make. It doesn’t just happen to us like some would like to
believe. Our thoughts shape our perspectives
which in turn dictate how we respond to situations. The problem being that a
lot of times we let our emotions make our decisions for us. We act on how we
feel or don’t feel instead of trying to make a choice indicative of what’s
right or wrong or just best. It’s understandable why we do it, obviously it’s
easier to do what we want or what feels good to us with no consideration of
what the knock on effects to everyone else around us will be….but it would be pretty
ignorant/naive to believe that the choices we make don’t have a direct impact
on our collective consciousness. I
reckon Karma is like the universes way of levelling out the playing fields and balancing
out all the poor decisions that WE as a collective make on a daily basis. One
thing always leads to another and as so eloquently put in Sir Isaacs Newtons third
law of motion ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ as
such what we think and do as individuals one way or another always impacts on
everyone. I think maybe if we paid more attention to the decisions we make
instead of just making them on a whim we may not have to face so many unnecessary
consequences because like it or not, agree with it or not as I have said before
scientific and spiritual laws exist even without your belief in them and what
you put out you will get back. I do however find it to be a little humorous
though, how the universe has a way of delivering its punch lines at the most
inopportune time. I suppose this adds to the whole “in your face” element which
is cool for the onlooker’s maybe but not so much for the recipient though huh
On a real though my life has changed so much in the last few
years and that’s purely because I started thinking about what I was thinking
about!!! I started taking inventory of my daily thoughts and learnt how to reset
my mind which evidently reset my life but that’s a whole other blog. For now I would
just like to leave you with this…………………….
“Never make permanent decisions based on a temporary
situation”. All actions have a reaction so make sure you have a good reason
when you make certain choices in life. That way even if the choice does turn
out to be the wrong one you don’t have to live with the regret just reflection
which leads to growth and the evolution of self. Feelings are temporary and
transient. When you make decisions with your ‘sound mind’ or as I like to say
it ‘think with your heart’ and act from a place of love then either way the
results will yield LOVE.
Obviously I believe we are meant to make certain mistakes as
they have lessons in them that are pertinent to our individual destiny’s but
that said a lot of us have been making unnecessary, flippant decisions just
through lack of discipline and then sat complaining when we’re reaping the
consequences of those choices……if you want to change your life, change your thoughts.
Till next Wednesday I shall have to love you and leave you,
Oh and P.S Sylwena and Daniel guess what my blog was on time
just for you guys OKAY!!!! so you can stop now with not so funny jibes or you
might find yourselves the talking point of my next blog…. love u guys too lol
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