Wednesday, 18 July 2012

“You are NOT what people call you….You are what YOU answer to!!”

“You are NOT what people call you….You are what YOU answer to!!”

Hey fellow readers both New and faithful, its officially that time of the week that you look forward to the most right? Good ol’ Mz M@nni in the morning J.  So how has your week been? Mine as per usual has been nothing short of eventful to say the least, but its all good though I prefer it that way. The only thing worse than having an extra long to do list is having a nothing todo list, as the saying goes “the devil makes work for idle hands”

I’ve learnt that when things get busy they don’t have to necessarily get stressful too. Planning and organisation are the keys to those doors leading to peace and efficiency. I have to say trying to juggle, work, children, family and friends and still have a social life takes some doing and it is certainly NOT as easy as some people make it look. In my opinion  the skills required to run a  ‘happy home’ are the same transferrable skills that Bosses use to run Multi-Million Dollar businesses everyday and as the CEO of my own ‘Sempa-Dawkins’ corporation I can personally verify this ;-)

At this precise moment in time I am trying to finish the 1st rough edit of my book, complete my New Ep, and make preparations for my video for the lead single, whilst being a full time mummy of 2.
Since I was born I feel like I was always living under a different title, for example at first I was the daughter of Rodney and Jenny Sempa, then I was ‘Sylwena’s little sister right up until I became 'Dawkins Girlfriend' (yes boys actually did try to refer to me as that) the absolute cheek of it. However for anyone who even vaguely knows me, they'll be aware that this was not something that necessarily sat that well with me. By twenty years old that was it, now I was Thaiyana’s mummy and Rio Ferdinands 1st recording artist Nia-Jai and had spent my whole life being defined by what I was to other people. Someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s girlfriend, someone’s mother and it was time for me to discover who I was irrespective of circumstance or affiliation.

Today I thought I would give you a preview of one of the poems I wrote around that time….Let me know what you think!! BUT ONLY IF YOU LIKE IT OF COURSE lol


Am I what you say I am just because you say I am??

You set out boundaries for which I fall short,

Then I am burdened with the disappointment when I am NOT what YOU thought!!!

But am I what you say I am just because you say I am??

You chose to place me on a pedestal, where my flaws were subject to ridicule,

You waited with breath baited, so sure that I would fall,

You used your tongue like a razor, the FIERCEST tool of them all,

You TRIED to cut me down so that I couldn’t stand tall.

…..BUT it was YOUR insecurities that made YOU feel small.

Am I what you say I am… just because you say I am??

Out of anger you speak in spite,

And those words forever replay in my mind,

You say Not to listen you were caught in a hype
and that you had been drinking but that’s exactly why….

I KNOW!! that you’re not speaking a lie
 but words of truth from whats  On your mind.

......................................In vino veritas,The Truth LIES in Wine.

You protest too much, So I am calling your bluff,

You see the TRUTH stands alone and doesn’t need backing up !!!

So please do yourself a favour this battle’s already LOST,

And do NOT expect me to agree to something I AM NOT!!!!

…. Am I what you say I am just because you say I am??




So in conclusion to todays blog…..I would just like to leave you with some food for thought, Do you Really know WHO YOU ARE? Not who you’re connected to or what you do or who you are to other people but JUST WHO ARE YOU?? Because the reality in my opinion is that you can’t be happy or love yourself if you don’t TRULY know who you are and if YOU don’t know who you are and what you stand for then THEY can and will label you what YOU ARE NOT!!!

Till next weds have a productive week



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