Monday, 28 January 2013

Hey Guys,

****NEW BLOG WILL BE UP WEDS 30TH JANUARY.....ON MY NEW BLOG SITE... *** so if you're missing a bit of Mz M@nni in your life hit up WORDPRESS.COM tomorrow and read my latest blog!!!


Friday, 4 January 2013


Welcome back readers :-) Happy New Year!!! how have you guys been? Good and recovered from the seasons festivities i hope. I cant lie iv missed venting with you so please feel free to let me know your thoughts and feelings on this one!!! <3

So lately it came to my attention that certain people whilst they may be getting older in age they are most definitely not more mature and it got me thinking?? Why is it that when some people have a problem with you they choose to bitch behind your back instead of just saying what they feel to your face? I mean we all must have encountered this type of person before at one point or another right?!? There is no way that you could have made it through High School without coming across that immature brat that was clearly in need of a b!tch slap!!!!!!  And the joke of it all is that the ones that run their mouth unnecessarily are always the ones that when confronted can’t seem to back it up. I think Jay-z’s lyric sums it up best…. “You know the type Loud as a motorbike but wouldn’t bus a grape in a fruit fight.”
As we all know Insecure people throw ‘In-directs’ because more often than not they don’t have the balls to say what they want to ‘Directly’ (Big Mouth but NO Balls). What I don’t get though is why after doing so they then want to feel sorry for themselves, when they face the shocking realisation that those low (insignificant) blows tend to have boomerang effect #KARMA
Enemies that are loud and ‘Peck your Head’ all the time pose no real threat because just like #Woodpecker’s you know when they’re about so you can remove them before they cause too much damage. (Superficial harm) Hence the saying ‘Never fear the enemy that makes himself known, for he alone will be his own downfall’ but rather watch out for the ones that are trained to camouflage because the enemy that takes up residence within, that pretends to be your friend and builds you up to your face but then tears you down when you’re not around is dangerous!!!! These are the ones that will eat away at your foundations and break you from within without you realising till the damage is done = #Termites
“The one that is with you but not for you…..has the ability to end you.”
So here’s the thing back in the day I used to spend my time confronting set Woodpecker’s and putting them in their place (and believe me I was good at it, bearing in mind that I have  always had a way with words so exchanging them was never a problem for me lol)  However now it just doesn’t relevant anymore. If anything it tickles me, because now I have realised that if false accusations have no truth in them then clearly they don’t need correcting. I no longer fight to prove myself right I’m content with just knowing that I AM and that like it or not, agree with it or not, the TRUTH is absolute and will always precipitate sooner or later irrespective of the level of manipulation people will go to. As the old Buddhist proverb so wisely puts it:-
“If someone offers you the gift of insults and you do not accept that gift, then to whom does the gift belong?”
That being said since receiving that revelation, my life has been a lot more enjoyable let me tell ya. Learning to let things and people go that are not important and not holding onto grudges or taking offence does a happy Mz Manni make hahaha.
My advice for you all this year (2013) would be to take a good look at the company you keep and don’t worry about the woodpeckers that you come across just watch out for the termites and exterminate them when necessary.
Remember that regardless of whether or not you are only reacting to someone else’s poor behaviour, whatsoever YOU sow YOU shall reap!! So think before you speak. Not everything or everyone is worthy of a response so don’t dignify them with one, just #LIVELOVELAUGH and keep moving on!!
Oh and my one suggestion for certain #WOODPECKERS aka angry birds out there is do yourselves a favour and "Drop the Drama already!!!! Because you’re starting to look older but clearly NOT WISER!!!
Love and Blessings to all the REAL people in my life who have done nothing but love and encourage me throughout the last year and for those who didn’t make the cut know this…..
 “It takes a lot to push my buttons but if I swing I won’t miss.”
By pecking away at this Diamond you only made me shine Brighter ©Nia-Jai 2013